
Moving/ Packing Tips

(March 2015)

Last March, I moved all of the remaining items I had into our apartment and storage. It was the first time in about 8 years since I had to move so much stuff. Let me tell ya, I never realized how much stuff I had accumulated in those 8 years until I had to put them all in boxes. Thankfully, I'm not one to get emotionally attached to items. So, at least 40%-50% of my stuff ended up being donated or sold on Kijiji. To be honest, thinking about how much stuff I still have, I regret not donating even more items. Once we move into the house, I will most likely be doing another round of donation. But - hey - that's for another day.

I've gathered some tips and tricks from moving which I thought I would share with you. Feel free to use these tips as you wish.

1. Donate. Donate. Donate.
There are so many benefits to this. Remember, as human beings, we actually need very little to survive. Material objects will not make you happy. Before starting to pack, look around each room, each closet. If you haven't worn or touched any items in over 1 year, chances are it's only collecting dust where you are currently living and will keep doing the same in your new place. Plus, you might just be happily surprised at how good it will make you feel to get rid of ALL that junk around you. I'm a strong believer that living with minimal material objects equals a happier-less stressed out you. Give it a try!

2. Gather all necessary supplies.
Preparation is key. Sure there will be things you most likely will only think of once you start packing but gathering the necessary supplies will avoid you going back and forth from the store and focus most of your time on packing. Here's a list of necessary supplies I like to use to move:
- Boxes (either carton boxes or plastic containers)
- Permanent markers (I only use them to write on carton boxes)
- Labels (some marked ahead of time and some unmarked)
- Sturdy tape
- Pen and paper
- Either a camera or a phone that has a good camera quality. (When I want to make sure I will remember something in a specific order, I take a picture of it to help me remember).

3. If it's not in the season, pack it first.
We, here in Canada, have four seasons. If you're moving in January, chances are you won't need your summer clothes for another couple of months (unless you're planning to go on a trip somewhere of course). If you're moving in June, chances are you won't need your winter clothes for another couple of months. Get the picture? Since you know you won't need these items for a while, pack them first! It will clear up some space and help get you started.

4. Put a label on it.
As soon as you're done packing a box, put a label on it. If you have multiple categories of items within the same box, don't be shy - write it down. This will save you the headache of having to search through a whole box just to find out what you're looking for is in fact in a completely different box. You're welcome.

5. If you can, keep things intact.
Not everybody will agree with this one. But, if you're like me and don't like to pack/ unpack forever, keep things intact where you can. For instance, if you have a dresser, simply take out each drawer to help with the move but keep all the clothes inside the drawer. This will allow for a quick unpack.

6. Pack things in categories. 
Do not mix room items together. If you're packing items in the washroom and you notice there is still space in the box, do not put your bedroom items or items from another room in the same box. Once you move in, and start to unpack, you will be thankful to know that when you have no more boxes that are labelled ''washroom'' for instance, it will mean there are no more items to put into the new washroom. Things will feel a lot more accomplished a lot faster.

7. Pack yourself a suitcase.
Even though you're not technically going on a trip, you are moving and packing. Chances are, you won't have the energy to unpack every single item the first few days. So, do yourself a favor and pack a suitcase as if you were going on a trip (i.e. clothes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hairbrush, etc.). If you're moving in the midst of working, figure out ahead of time a few outside you would wear to the office prior to packing. Again, you're welcome.

8. If you can, pre-clean the new kitchen and bathroom.
Chances are you won't want to order take out the whole time you're moving/ unpacking. Other than being unhealthy, it won't give you much energy to do all you need to do. If you can, before unpacking anything into the new place, pre-clean the kitchen and bathroom. Having your kitchen clean and unpacked first will help you feel at home faster and will help you feel more organized. And the bathroom, well, let's just say it's for obvious hygienic reasons.

9. If it's complicated to dissemble, take a picture BEFORE.
Unless you like puzzles, I recommend taking pictures of complicated things to dissemble BEFORE doing it. Therefore, once you move, it will be easier to assemble. SUCH a time saver!

10. Address change.
Last but definitely not least, remember to switch your address. I never realized how many phone calls or emails I had to send to do this. To help you out, I  made a quick checklist of people you most likely will have to contact to mention your address has changes:
- Driver's licence (if your address is on your driver's licence, it will need to be changed. This may take a few weeks so I recommend doing it sooner than later... perhaps 3-4 weeks ahead of time).
- Bank
- Employer
- Vehicle registration
- Bills
- Car insurance
- School
- Childcare
- Doctor
- Dentist
- Vet
- Gym
- Family & friends

Hope this helps you one way or another. I tend to feel all sorts feels whenever a big change (like a move) is coming close. So, making lists definitely helps me see and think a lot clearer.

Now... more packing :-)

- Jessica

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