
Dirt, Sand & Water. Yes Please!!!

Dirt & sand on my feet... yes pleaaaase!

Growing up with a big yard, I remember loving the feeling of walking around barefoot. Sure, it sometimes resulted in some unpleasant surprises. But, most of the time, I felt directly connected to the earth. Connected to the simple life - being free.

For a few years, I was fortunate enough to live in a house that had a pretty river in the backyard. My room had a balcony where I spent so many days and nights dreaming, drawing, writing poetry. It was true paradise.

Living in the city has never felt ''real'' to me. It's not where I feel at peace. It's not where I feel comfortable.

I remember the moment the above picture was taken. Stephane and I were invited to a family member's family cottage. As soon as we woke up that morning, we had a lovely (delicious) breakfast and spent the rest of the morning having fun in the lake. We all jumped off the dock a few times (including two amazingly lovable golden labs). Then, as a soon as I spotted this hammock between the trees, I decided to rest a little and to take it all in. I felt at home - surrounded by nature.

Loved every second of that weekend. Every single second.

Winter has me dreaming about summer. But, summer definitely doesn't have me dreaming about winter. Get it? I'm a summer time gal. No doubt about it!

Can't wait to get those feet dirty again. Summer, I long for you.

- Jessica

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